2023 Threat Predictions Webinar

Peer into our 2023 predictions

Cybersecurity threats keep surging in volume and complexity. With alerts that don’t quit and attacks that get smarter by the day, how do you know where to focus?

In 2022, security pressures mounted in unexpected ways: we saw an industry-wide vulnerability in Log4J, cyberwarfare targeting Ukraine, and unprecedented spikes in ransomware.

But don’t worry. We’re here to help.

We want you to not only respond to known risks but anticipate future threats, so you gain specialized insights on where to focus your defenses. It turns out predicting the future isn’t magic—it just takes industry expertise and leading data science.

Every year, our Trellix Advanced Research Center seeks to find out what lies ahead in the world of cyberthreats and what you can do to stay safe.

After looking into our crystal ball for 2023, we reveal three key threat areas:

Cyberwarfare and geopolitical attacks. Nation-states will time cyberattacks with physical warfare and military movement. We’ve already seen this in Ukraine. Other areas where we may see a rise in attacks? Critical infrastructure and satellites.

Shifts in bad actor behavior. Motivated by propaganda and a common cause, we predict an uptick in teen and young adult hackers. Not to mention, an increase in hacktivism. And with more outsourced malware, it’ll only get harder to pinpoint where a cyberattack comes from.

New threat vectors in enterprise apps. Organizations adopt new technologies all the time. When they do, they run the risk of opening new vulnerabilities in communication apps and underlying software frameworks. Plus, businesses will face more vishing, which in the past mostly targeted consumers.

Watch our experts as they dive into detail on these topics and more in our 2023 Threat Predictions Webinar. Take the guesswork out of 2023 and help keep your organization protected.

After looking into our crystal ball for 2023, we reveal three key threat areas:

Join us for our 2023 Threat Predictions live webinar

In this webinar, John Fokker, Head of Threat Intelligence, Trellix, will be joined by his colleagues in the Trellix Advanced Research Center for this insightful panel discussion.

Watch the Threat Predictions Webinar

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